The fact he doesn't actually want to do any Prezzing as Prez means the Project 2025 nutbags will get free rein.
And Elon picked his time to step in an buy some space with the orange man.
Elon, a guy who arrived in the USA on a student visa but who then didn't enrol at Stanford, so is an illegal immigrant, hates immigrants apparently.
Or he was just saying that to get a seat at the table.
But Elon being from South Africa means the idea of not liking anyone but white people is certainly a thing he might be able to relate to.
And the fact the orange man, someone who would look at an eclipse, and think injecting bleach into one's veins might work, is going to let all the pollution of the USA go into overdrive. The need for power for the AI and robots, and the local oil, and the fact modular reactors aren't a turn key solution yet, means lots of burnt oil and coal for a while. Because climate change and the climate crisis, according to the orange man, is a Chinese fabrication.