The ‘Her’ issue.

Only Darren
2 min readMay 24, 2024

Below is a comment I made on Ignacio’s recent article.

( Totally worth the read, and establishes context for my reply.

Coder working on API tech docs for latest models (by me on this computer today ish generatively).

The model dev companies need to chase money or their investors will stop and they’ll fall behind. That’s the gist of what drives them as I understand it.

And when it comes to money and us humes we’ve got

1. Sex

2. Food

3. Ego

4. Wealth

5. Health

That’s not Maslov’s hierarchy which I realise I should have looked at, it is just my head list, but I put sex at the top because humes are animals and animals have billions of years of programming to make more animals.

Us humes also have a layer of self talk recently installed on top of our unconscious billion years of hardware.

So it does not surprise me that ‘Her’ happened.

It won’t surprise me the plethora of Replika startups that will appear.

It won’t surprise me that virtual assistants will have a sexy girlfriend/boyfriend mode (although it may be labelled as just a parameter one can adjust so one would choose to dial up the ‘friendliness’)



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.