Shower Thought: Will AI lead to world wide ignorance? And will this lead to our extinction?

Only Darren
2 min readApr 23, 2024
Image by the author using Stable Diffusion

Yesterday I helped fix a friend’s plane. Was an electrical issue. I used some logical fault finding and my electrical knowledge to chase the issue to a faulty contact on a starter relay. The whole effort took about half an hour and he was very happy.

Why so happy? Because for him, the issue was a show stopper.

Now he is a very well educated man. History, geography, maritime stuff (that’s his field, maritime stuff). He is a pilot, a teacher, and other wonderful things. Yet anything electrical is ‘white man’s magic’ meaning it is a mystical thing (as is software, another background I have that he doesn’t).

And it occurred to me that although only a small percentage of people really understand electrical stuff, or the potentially more mystical world of electronics, it is necessary that at least some people do.

For now.

While reading about the latest stuff happening in the world of AI, this thought popped into my head.

When we have bottled intelligences that know about electronics, will we need people who know?

Learning electronics took me three years and it wasn’t particularly easy. Learning software development was the same, not easy. Each…



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.