Seems to me that a tech bod got told to do something by a boss, did it, got told they did the wrong thing, got pissed at the unfairness, started recording convos on their phone, found it useful, this idea was spawned.
It is only slightly less invasive than the Zuck's Ray Ban AR camera glasses that without a single doubt in my mind, will be sending data back to the Zuck's servers for him to mine for stuff to sell to his advertisers. Then he'll sneak advertising into the glasses. The AR will prob point out restaurants, but only if the restaurant has paid to be part of the Zuck's Meta empire.
And so we are at a party. Some folks have pendants. Some have Meta Privacy Invaso ™ Ray Bans ™ on, some have their smart watches recording, some have their good ol fashioned smart phones recording and finally, a few will have a video pen running in their pocket.
Some business conferences of the future will enact a 'no recording tech allowed' policy. They'll struggle to enforce it though given the ubiquity of tech these days.
Shortly into the future, subdermal implants in or near the mastoid bone will be the tech brain computer interface point for a non-invasive way to provide audio. This system will record what you hear as a backup of what you remember. It will also talk to your personal LLM AI Assistant, so you'll be hearing the voice of a bottled intelligence in your head. This will be considered normal and later, old fashioned because you're not directly neurally connected.
Smart contacts will provide AR data and I've no doubt will be able to record video relayed back to the device implanted in the soft bone behind one's ear where there is plenty of room for such things.
When you need private connection to that node an inductive loop, like a cochlear implant, will nestle quietly to increase your bandwidth.
Fun Times Ahead ™