Only Darren
2 min readJun 29, 2024


I've pondered the Kessler Syndrome for years. And when it happens, and it will because us humes don't do anything till it bites us, all GPS will go offline. Sat comms offline. Orbital data collection offline.

It won't be as bad as a CME taking out the Internet, but loss of the majority of sats would totally be a bad day for a lot of people.

So as much as I follow Space X and am keen to see Starship get to orbit and back without hazard, as Falcon 9 now do regularly, the idea of colonising Mars is stupid at this point. Colonise the Moon. Much closer and almost the same level of hazard. Mars has next to now atmosphere, no magnetic field to protect the planet, and takes 2 years to get there. The first colonists will end up dead on the reality TV show that gets launched to fund it.

We'll watch a 1000 people die over the course of a year or so. What great TV... not.

A gateway station halfway between the Earth and Moon. Some stations at the La Grange points. A moonbase. Once we get that done, then we should bother with Mars. Mars to Elon is like the Cybertruck fiasco. The Hyper loop nothing. The Tesla FSD taxis (where his FSD is only level 2 after years of promising level 4). It is all Musk ego mode.

And what does one call a post to X? Everyone I see treats it the same as the artist formerly known as Prince. They still call them Tweets. Calling it X was more ego. The man will go down because of ego. And yet shareholders still agree to give him a shit ton of shares. 58 million. Billion. Dunno. Don't care.

Space drama issues are sure to follow.



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.