Only Darren
2 min readJan 10, 2022


It is a challenge. Ban guns is the general statement, but it is a bit short sighted. Guns are hammers. Make it harder to get hammers is a good idea, but the culture is why a person might take a hammer to another person's head.

Gun culture is part of the issue. I say part because there is no single solution. Less guns is a definite start, but an overhaul of the entire cultural viewpoint of half a country, that won't happen any time soon.

Now if every school age child in the country refused point blank to go to school, well that might shift things a little. If every kid, via social media, all decided to just not go to school, might the message get across?

I doubt it honestly.

Gun culture enthusiasts will say guns are not the issue, it is the fact some people want to shoot people with them.

But hammer enthusiasts get to use their hammers for nails, and hitting humans is a secondary use.

Gun enthusiasts get to shoot stuff that isn't human, but shooting and killing things is what guns were invented for. The sport aspect is secondary.

If depictions of guns used for violence were removed from all media, might kids see a different use for guns? Probably, but again, I've played first person shooter games my whole life and I have zero desire to ever shoot anyone.

Most kids in America will also have zero desire to shoot anyone. The fact that a kid who does have that desire may have very little trouble obtaining a hammer is definitely part of the issue.

I wish you well and hope you don't become a cultural statistic that will get ignored because the NRA lobby folk are too well funded.



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.