Food mistake on nearly keto, but not quite keto.

Only Darren
4 min readJun 27, 2024

We often think if we starve ourselves we’ll lose the extra fat. That’s true, but only if we fast, and only if we do it carefully and that’s not what this article is about. Although it is about not eating enough.

not my build

Keto, or any nutrition, as an adult is our responsibility. I have done keto before and after being on the road for a while I half arsed it and it went wrong.

Life gets busy. I was paying attention to other things. I was eating two meals a day. I assumed I was eating enough.

But I felt like rubbish. No energy. Aching. Brain fog. And I have a heart issue where I get ectopic beats, random skips, and I was getting them all day every twenty beats or so. That equals thousands a day.

So what was I doing wrong?

So I was eating about 1 kg of meat a day. Plus a ton of green veges, but no pasta or rice or potato or sweet potato. Basically low carb.

Sounds like a lot and I should be fine I figured, except I wasn’t fine.

I assumed that I was just getting old. I’m nearly 60.

I was eating two meals a day. Three eggs for breakfast. Meat and veg stir fry for dinner. No lunch. Not hungry. Lots of water. Decaf tea with cream through the day. Should be fine right? Nope.



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.