Only Darren
2 min readMay 25, 2024


As an outsider to the chaos that is the USA, who has just watched the movie Civil War, I feel like it isn't a far fetched movie.

Given the level of fan distributed shit that will go down if the orange incontinent fat man gets back in the Prez chair, and then determines that he can have three terms, not two (as he's already voiced) and given all the felonies he'll just disappear, and the Capitol Building attack squad he'll let out of prison, and the secrets he'll tell the Putin and the XXP because he can't help but cream himself when he meets a dictator, I just don't get what the Dems think is the go.

They sat back with Hillary and figured they'd win, then they didn't (although if the OIFM's hush money thing hadn't happened, perhaps we'd all be wondering what Hillary was up to. Perhaps a lot of the dead folks from SARS-CoV2 wouldn't be dead. Perhaps they would. We'll never know) and I feel like they are so high on their own social media feeds about how well Biden is doing that they forget that voting isn't compulsory in the USA, they forget that the gerrymandering law changing postal system destroying folks are busy rigging as much as they can to ensure the next election can be stolen more efficiently. The courts are being packed with the folks who'll support the Reps lawsuits they'll post if the Orange Man doesn't win.

And we can already see that SCOTUS is rotten. Lots of corruption and more than happy to listen to the idea that a Prez has total immunity. Which of course they don't, but a delay is what that was for. And then there's the Eilene Canon (can't be bothered looking up how to spell her name) who is more than happy to keep Jack Smith on the delay mode so that eventually the trial for a bunch of stolen confidential papers won't even happen.

The whole country is off its own rails.

And I know my country is also a bit nuts but at least the number one cause of the death of children isn't bullets.



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.