AI, the future, and purpose. A meandering post shower thought.

Only Darren
7 min readJun 26, 2024

This will be a meandering and not very well thought out non-essay format rant that I’ll come back to and clean up later (if I notice that anyone bothered to read all or part of it).

So …

Assuming we don’t blow ourselves up, and some military boffin doesn’t lose control of their Skynet wannabe system and we find humanity targeted by AI drones that take out everyone, or the AI creates a virulent strain of something nasty to take us out, or develops some other bioweapon to take us out, we are left with being here when Artificial Super Intelligence arrives (in 2025 if Ilya Sutseker’s Safe Super Intelligence company achieve’s its goals. Else it will be 2027 like everyone else predicts).

Now if the corporations get their way there is a good chance we’ll get heavily divided into two classes where there’ll be a class of humes who work for corporations and so they have income and can remain within the robot/AI dominated space I’ll call the robot economy. (This is where goods and services are exchanged primarily between corporations and robots rather than out amongst the unemployed unwashed masses).

by me, with the help of a lot of artists condensed into a single bottle of intelligence.

But let’s assume for the moment that the corporations don’t get their way and that AGI is used to solve a lot of our issues.

  1. Energy is sorted with…



Only Darren

Life has so many questions. So many issues. So much potential. I occasionally have thoughts that might help you. I hope I can. Peace Out humans.